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Cadmium accumulation in three contrasting New Zealand soils with the same phosphate fertilizer history

Cadmium (Cd) concentration in New Zealand (NZ) agricultural soils has increased due to phosphate fertilizer application, but it is not clear whether soils with different properties accumulate Cd at similar rates for given P loadings. Here, the distribution of Cd was measured in three soils: the well-drained Horotiu series (Orthic Allophanic Soil in NZ soil classification, Typic Hapludand in US soil taxonomy), poorly-drained Te Kowhai series (Orthic Gley Soil in NZ classification, Typic Humaquept in US soil taxonomy) and an intergrade between them, Bruntwood series (Impeded Allophanic Soil in NZ soil classification, Aquic Hapludand in US soil taxonomy). All three soils often occur in the same paddock with the same fertilizer history, but have differing drainage and mineralogical characteristics, permitting an assessment of the potential for varying accumulation/translocation of Cd in contrasting soil conditions. Thirty soil profiles from ten paddocks on a dairy farm near Hamilton, NZ, with a uniform fertilizer history were sampled to depth of 60 cm. The Cd concentration in topsoil (0–7.5 cm) samples (mean of 0.79 mg kg−1 ) was about 7–8 times greater than in deeper horizons (P b 0.001). No significant differences in Cd concentration or fractionation among the soil series were detected. Cluster analysis showed that Cd, phosphorus (P) and uranium (U) were highly correlated, consistent with a common source, most likely phosphate fertilizer. The absence of a difference in the Cd depth profiles in the three soils indicates that Cd was preferentially adsorbed to the topsoil and was not significantly mobilized by drainage in the soils. The lack of difference in Cd distribution between contrasting soil series supports the use of one Cd management system tool for all of these soils.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Salmanzadeh, M., Balks, M., Hartland, A., & Schipper, L. (2016). Cadmium accumulation in three contrasting New Zealand soils with the same phosphate fertilizer history. Geoderma Regional, 7(3), 271–278. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2016.05.001
This is an author’s accepted version of an article published in the journal: Geoderma Regional. © 2016 Elsevier.