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Vietnamese teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching English as a foreign language

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of culture on the sense of self-efficacy in teaching English as a Foreign Language of a group of university teachers in Vietnam. Research exploring the relationship between culture and self-efficacy is extremely rare despite the acknowledged importance of culture in the formation of self-efficacy beliefs. Design/methodology/approach This study took the form of qualitative research with diverse, data collection instruments: individual interviews, focus group discussions, observations and journaling. Findings Findings indicate that certain features of the Vietnamese cultural context impacted on the way the study teachers constructed their sense of self-efficacy. Specifically, under the influence of a Vietnamese sense of belonging, the study teachers tended to rely more on efficacy-building information from other people rather than from themselves. The perception of inequality in power may have heightened negative emotional arousal, thus contributing to a negative sense of self-efficacy among the teachers. The Vietnamese concept of face and the high status of teachers in the social hierarchy in part mediated teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Social implications The perceived burden of performing both parenting and teaching roles and responsibilities may have diminished the self-efficacy in teaching of female teachers. Originality/value The contribution and implications of the study are discussed.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Phan, N. T. T., & Locke, T. (2016). Vietnamese teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching English as a foreign language. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 15(1), 105–128. http://doi.org/10.1108/ETPC-04-2015-0033
This is the author’s accepted version of an article published in the journal: English Teaching: Practice & Critique. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2016