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From the Galalpagos to Tongariro: Recognizing and saving the most important places in the world

Protected areas are one of the less glamorous areas of international environmental law. They are commonly overshadowed by what are perceived as much more dramatic topics, which capture the public attention to a much greater degree.1 This is a highly ironic situation for three reasons. First, because protected areas are the foremost methods by which species and ecosystems are effectively preserved. Second, because protected areas are tangible, and are not merely theoretical constructs. Third, the obligation to create protected areas is one of the most long-standing goals in numerous environmental treaties. For a long time this goal was not tied to any specific outcomes, and the numbers of protected areas grew slowly. However, in the new century, due to an increased recognition of the above considerations, the international community has not only reiterated the goal to create more protected areas, they also set targets of what they want to achieve. The international interest is this area can be seen with a number of examples, such as marine protected areas and transboundary protected areas. Collectively, such support has lead to the creation, in total, of over 102,000 protected areas spread over the Earth.
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Type of thesis
Gillespie, A. (2009). From the Galapagos to Tongariro: Recognizing and saving the most important places in the world. In Resource Management Theory & Practice (pp. 115-155). Auckland, New Zealand: Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand.
Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand
This article has been published in the book: Resource Management Theory & Practice [2009]. Used with permission.