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Beyond lecture capture: Student-generated podcasts in teacher education

Podcasting in higher education most often takes the form of lecture capture or “coursecasting” as instructors record and disseminate lectures (King & Gura, 2007, p. 181). Studies published within the past five years continue to prioritise podcasting of lectures for the student audience, and to test the effectiveness of such podcasts via traditional pencil and paper assessments covering the material delivered via podcast (Hodges, Stackpole-Hodges, & Cox, 2008). A premise of this article is that in order to enhance learning outcomes via podcasting, it is necessary to move beyond coursecasting, toward podcasting with and by students, and to value key competencies and dispositions as learning outcomes. This article reports on a pilot study undertaken with teacher education students in an online ICT class, where students investigated podcasting and created reflective podcasts. The pilot study aimed to engage students actively in generating podcasts, incorporating a wider view of assessment and learning outcomes. Student-generated podcasts were self-assessed, and shared online in order to invite formative feedback from peers. A range of positive outcomes are reported, whereby students learned about and through podcasting, engaging in reflection, problem solving and interactive formative assessment.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Forbes, D. L. (2015). Beyond lecture capture: Student-generated podcasts in teacher education. Waikato Journal of Education, 20th Anniversary Collection, 195–205.
Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, UoW, Hamilton, New Zealand
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