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Hoea te waka reo e 'Āti Rangi ē! He Kohinga Kōrero

He taonga tuku iho Te Reo Māori nō tāukiuki, nō tuawhakarere, nō onamata rānō, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea. He taonga Te Reo Māori i raro i ngā tikanga o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ā, nō te tau 1987 ka whakamanahia hai reo tūturu o Aotearoa. Ahakoa he reo tuku iho ki tērā whakatupuranga, ki tērā whakatupuranga, kai te tāmate te reo. He huhua noa ngā rautaki e whakarauora ai i te reo i roto i ngā kura, i ngā whānau, i ngā hapū, i ngā iwi anō hoki. Ko te tino o te tuhinga roa nei he āta titiro ki ngā momo rautaki a ngā uri e whakarauora nei i tō tātou reo ki roto o Ngāti Rangiwewehi kia kore ai ā mātou tamariki, ā mātou mokopuna e haere reo kore. Nō roto mai i te tuhinga nei ka āta whakatewhatewha te iwi o Ngāti Rangiwewehi o mua, kia mārama ai ki ōna āhua, ki ōna whenua, ki āna kōrero, ki ōna tāngata, ki ōna pūkōrero, ki tōna ahurei. Ka mutu, ka āta titiro, ka āta tātari, ka āta wetewete i ngā raraunga kōrero i kapo mai i ngā uiuinga, i kapo mai i ngā pātaitai, i kapo mai i ngā pukapuka kōrero ngā momo rautaki e whakarauora ai te reo o ngā uri o Ngāti Rangiwewehi. Hai āpitihanga, ka āta whakatakoto hoki i ngā piki me ngā heke o te reo ā tatauranga nei, ka kitea te ahunga mai i te wā i a koroua mā, i a kuia mā, ā, moroki noa nei. Kai roto i ngā upoko o te tuhingaroa nei te tino ia o ngā kōrero, ā, e ono ngā upoko e whakatinana ai tēnei rangahau. Kai te upoko tuatahi e tino kōrerohia ana te iwi o Ngāti Rangiwewehi. Kātahi rā ka uru atu ki ngā whakamahukitanga o ngā mātāpono rangahau kai te upoko tuarua. Ka whakaara mai te upoko tuarua i ngā kaponga ariā me ngā rautaki reo hai tuarā mō te tuhingaroa nei. Kai te upoko tuawhā me te tuarima ngā pitopito kōrero, ngā putanga o te pākiki me ngā uiuinga. Ka mutu mai ki te upoko tuaono, ki te kupu whakamutunga o te tuhingaroa. The Māori language is a taonga protected under the terms of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. An official language of New Zealand, since 1987. However, although a language passed down from generation to generation, the future of the language is not secure. Efforts are endless in providing many strategies of revitalization and ensuring that Te Reo Māori survives within kura, whare wānanga, whānau, hapū and iwi. The purpose of this research is to gather information pertaining to the tribe of Ngāti Rangiwewehi. This study will explore Ngāti Rangiwewehi in a traditional context, their traditional qualities and will also examine the contributions of the descendants in preserving Te Reo Māori. Furthermore, this study will also examine the ups and downs of the language and how Ngāti Rangiwewehi rates statisticaly in the national census under Te Reo Māori. This information will be gathered to examine strategy examples of Te reo that could benefit both present and future generations. As part of my research I will be interviewing key informants and conducting a survey. There are six chapters to this thesis. Chapter one is based on Ngāti Rangiwewehi as a iwi, past and present. Chapter two is based on the research methodology. Chapter three is the literature review, while Chapter four is the questionnaire. Chapter five are the interviews and lastly Chapter 6, the conclusion.  
Type of thesis
Fairhall, T. (2015). Hoea te waka reo e ’Āti Rangi ē! He Kohinga Kōrero (Thesis, Master of Arts (MA)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/9850
University of Waikato
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