Volume 4, Number 2, 1970

This collection contains all the articles from Volume 4, Number 2, 1970 of the Earth Science Journal.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Coverpage and Contents
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Waikato Geological Society
    Coverpage and Contents from Volume 4, Number 2, 1970 of Earth Science Journal.
  • Publication
    Input and output considerations in estimating rates of chemical denudation
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Goudie, Andrew
    Estimation of rates of solutional denudation in river basins necessitates some consideration of salt inputs as well as consideration of salt outputs. Recent work in nutrient cycling has stressed the complexity and importance of the input factor, particularly when throughfall chemistry is taken into account. Frequently the differences between rates of input and output of salt in a river basin are small, suggesting that many published rates of solutional denudation, which consider outputs alone, or inputs only in part, are excessive. The input of salts, which may take place in rain, snow, fog and throughfall are most important in coastal areas. Analysis of data, for both the semi-arid United States and the Cotswold Hills in England, illustrate the need for long-term sampling, and for a detailed spatial network of sampling points.
  • Publication
    Complex belemnites of the Puaroan (lower-? middle Tithonian) stage in the Port Waikato Region of New Zealand
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Challinor, A.B.
    Belemnite guards range through 2700 feet of Puaroan strata in the Port Waikato region. All are Belemnopsis of the uhligi-complex. Belemnopsis aucklandica aucklandica (Hochstetter) in its most typical form may be restricted to the lower 700 feet of the sequence. Three species are described, together with what may be transitional forms. The morphology of juvenile guards is in marked contrast with that of mature specimens, and development of the adult guard is revealed by examination of internal sections. Some aspects of belemnite paleoecology are discussed. Belemnite biostratigraphy of the area is outlined and the more important fossil localities are described.
  • Publication
    Dust from Australia- A reappraisal
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Healy, Terry R.
    This paper reviews the meteorological events of October 1928 associated with severe duststorms in Australia and subsequent transport of dust to New Zealand. In the light of contemporary knowledge of the jet streams, and from reappraisal of the original synoptic charts, reported meteorological conditions and press reports pertaining to these duststorms, it is postulated that for dust to be deposited upon New Zealand within 24 hours, of duststorms in Australia it presumably travelled via the jet stream region of the' middle and upper troposphere.
  • Publication
    The Sydney duricrusts: their terminology and nomenclature
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Faniran, Adetoye
    Two main duricrust types - laterites and ferricretes - and their underlying materials are mapped and described for the northern parts of the Sydney district, New South Wales. Laterites are by far the more widespread, being found both in the Wainamatta-Shales and in the Hawkesbury-Sandstone areas, particularly on the broad hilltops and interfiuves of the major divide between the three drainage systems - the north-flowing Hawkesbury-Broken Bay, the south-flowing Parramatta-Port Jackson and the east-flowing Pacific Ocean systems. The ferricretes occur mainly in the drier parts of the northwest, especially in the conglomeratic river gravels of the Maroota area. The two materials have similar profile characteristics but they are different in hand specimen, in textural and structural characteristics, and also in mineralogical composition. The duricrusts and their profiles have been widely destroyed and differentially truncated, so that their various zones and subzones are presently exposed at different places. These materials, especially in respect of laterites, are classified from field and laboratory evidence, according to their recognised, or assigned, position in the typical deep weathering profile. Names are assigned, depending on the area where the best examples were found.
  • Publication
    Contorted stratification with clay lobes in volcanic ash beds, Raglan-Hamilton region, New Zealand
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Tonkin, Philip J.
    Contorted stratification in basal volcanic ash beds of the Pleistocene Hamilton Ash Formation incorporates halloysitic clay lobes which project upward into a bed of predominantly allophanic material. The forms produced are similar to convolute laminations described in other marine and non-marine sedimentary sequences. The halloysitic clay lobes have been described previously as concretions and as the products of differential weathering processes. A third hypothesis is proposed to explain the formation of the clay lobes and associated contorted stratification of these basal ash beds, namely, that the beds were deformed by plastic flowage of halloysitic clay into a sensitive allophanic bed. This deformation was possibly a result of water-saturated beds rapidly losing strength as a result of cyclic reversals of stress and strain produced by earthquake shock waves.
  • Publication
    Quaternary warping at Gorge Saddle, western Southland
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Force, Eric R.; Force, Lucy M.; Thyne, Martin L.
    Gorge Saddle is one low point on a drainage divide between Fiordland and the Southland Plain. Eastward sloping Quaternary terraces east of the divide and westward sloping terraces to the west contain granitic pebbles which could have been derived only from the west. This suggests doming at the present divide concurrent with transport from the west.
  • Publication
    Book reviews and Book notices
    (Journal Article, Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato, 1970) Waikato Geological Society
    Book reviews and Book notices from Volume 4, Number 2, 1970 of Earth Science Journal.
© 1970 Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato. All items in Research Commons are provided only to permit fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study. They are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.