2017 Working Papers


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Use of mobile apps for teaching and research
    (Working Paper, Department of Computer Science, The University of Waikato, 2017) Hinze, Annika; Vanderschantz, Nicholas; Timpany, Claire; Cunningham, Sally Jo; Saravani, Sarah-Jane; Wilkinson, Clive
    Applications (apps) are software specifically designed for mobile de-vices. This paper reports on the results of an online survey about app use for teaching and research by students and academic staff at the University of Wai-kato. The questionnaire had 138 respondents. The results of the data analysis in-dicate that among respondents apps are primarily used for communication, data storage, and collaborative work. Nearly a third of respondents reported not using. any apps for academic purposes, with almost half that number citing a lack of knowledge about possible uses. In teaching practice, apps were reported to be used as a means to push information to students, e.g., for distributing reading materials and other teaching resources. In research, apps appeared to be used to self-organise, collaborate with other researchers, store information, and to stay current with research. This paper concludes with a list of implications.
  • Publication
    Do internet search engines support children's search query construction: a visual analysis
    (Working Paper, Department of Computer Science, The University of Waikato, 2017) Vanderschantz, Nicholas; Hinze, Annika
    From previous studies into children's internet search practice, we gained insight into the taught strategies, children's behaviour and common errors while searching. This paper analyses the visual structure of commonly-used internet search engines (ISE) to explore how their interface and interaction design may influence the search practices of children. Common features of ISEs are identified and the effects of typical children's query construction on the visual presentation of information are reported. We use our observations to provide guidelines for the design and development of ISEs for children.