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Thermocline management of stratified tanks for heat storage

Stratified tanks are useful for maximising the thermal energy efficiency of non-continuous and semi-continuous processes. Liquid at two or more dissimilar temperatures is stored within the same tank to provide a buffer for variations in heating and cooling loads. Control of the thermocline between the hot and cold fluid regions is needed to minimise thermocline growth and maximise operation of the storage tank. An experimental programme using a scale model of an industrial stratified tank (aspect ratio 3.5) and Perspex tank (aspect ratio 8.2) is reported. The behaviour and growth of the hot-cold thermocline under various operating conditions is presented. A siphoning method to re-establish the thermocline without interrupting the use of the tank is tested. Siphoning of the thermocline region from either 20%, 50% or 80% of the tank height is an effective strategy for uninterrupted interface re-establishment. However, the rate and position of siphoning and the load balance of the exit streams are critical variables for minimising the time for effective re-establishment of the two temperature zones.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Walmsley, M., Atkins, M J & Riley, J. (2009). Thermocline management of stratified tanks for heat storage. In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. AIDIC, Rome, Italy; 10-13 May, 2009(pp.231-236).
AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
This article has been published in the Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. AIDIC, Rome, Italy; 10-13 May, 2009. Used with Permission.