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Demographic change and transport needs in the Waikato region

This report has been commissioned by Environment Waikato (EW) as part of its review of the Land Transport Strategy for the Waikato region. The report identifies key population characteristics that impact on transport needs of the EW region and the constituent Territorial Authority (TA) areas. In this context, vulnerable locations and populations are identified. Future trends for the EW region and sub-regions are assessed by means of low, medium and high population growth scenarios, and the implications of the projected changes in population size and composition for transport needs are identified. A general theme throughout this report is that in many respects demographic change in the Waikato region is not that different from that in New Zealand as a whole, but there are sharp differences between the constituent TA areas. The report covers changes in population size and structure, ethnic structure, the labour force, income, housing tenure and motor vehicle ownership, deprivation and projections of locally generated trips, the number of motor vehicles and travel to work flows. It is noted that a comprehensive assessment of transport need should embed demographic change into an integrated model of economic change in the region, combined with scenarios relating to external factors and policy changes.
Working Paper
Type of thesis
Population Studies Centre (PSC) Discussion Papers
Baxendine, S., Cochrane, W. & Poot, J. (2005). Demographic change and transport needs in the Waikato region. (Population Studies Centre Discussion Paper No.51). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Population Studies Centre.
University of Waikato, Population Studies Centre