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The Comprehension of Expository Science Texts Among Year 6 Students

This study examined the influence of instruction in text feature knowledge and metacognitive strategies on the comprehension of expository text among Year 6 students. Over a period of 8 weeks, twelve Year 6 students read a series of 10 expository science texts with diagrams. An Intervention Group comprised of six students received instructional lessons that emphasised recognition of text features, integration of information across text features and identifying a navigational pathway. A Control Group, of a further six students, read the same material however, they did not receive instruction relating to metacognitive strategies and text features. Comprehension of each text was measured by multiple choice questions, pre and post knowledge assessment, and written response. Metacognitive awareness was measured pre and post intervention using a modified Metacognitive Strategy Index (MSI) (Schmitt, 1990). The study took a mixed methods approach. Qualitative data was analysed by thematic analysis. Quantitative data presents descriptive statistics that indicate differences between and within Intervention and Control Groups. Findings indicate that students benefit from explicit instruction in metacognitive strategies and text feature knowledge.
Type of thesis
de Jonge, S. L. (2012). The Comprehension of Expository Science Texts Among Year 6 Students (Thesis, Master of Education (MEd)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/7032
University of Waikato
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