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Reclaiming Kaitiakitanga : An intergenerational perspective of Kaitiakitanga within Te Parawhau

Kaitiakitanga is a concept that is utilised widely throughout the Māori world for the protection and preservation of cultural aspects to Māori. Through years of application by westernised mainstream processes the value has largely been restricted to the realms of environmental protection. This restriction has often been the result of misinterpretation of Kaitiakitanga and its relevance as a concept to Māori. The purpose of the thesis is to question how the perspective of Kaitiakitanga is constructed in the minds of representatives from the hapū of Te Parawhau. To test for variance, the research spans across two generations of hapū members. Using Whakawhiti Kōrero for data collection as well as Kaupapa Māori methodology as guidance, the thesis explores perspectives of two generations of Te Parawhau descendants around Kaitiakitanga and how it can be developed to aid in the growth and prosperity of the hapū. Key themes highlighted by the analysis encompass ideas of connectedness as well as spiritual, physical, environmental and human elements of responsibility and obligation. The thesis introduces a distinct Te Parawhau analytical framework for its analysis of rich kōrero by hapū members in relation to Kaitiakitanga. Through this framework the value of Kaitiakitanga is tested for relevance to Te Parawhau and its future development. The world view of Te Parawhau has formed the basis of participant perspectives around Kaitiakitanga and leads the researcher to consider that such knowledge is important to the future functionality of Māori value’s. The thesis concludes to show that there are indeed differences in application and perspectives of Kaitiakitanga within the hapū of Te Parawhau.
Type of thesis
Walker, E. (2016). Reclaiming Kaitiakitanga : An intergenerational perspective of Kaitiakitanga within Te Parawhau (Thesis, Master of Māori and Pacific Development (MMPD)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/11181
University of Waikato
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