Application-Level QoS: Improving video conferencing quality through sending the best packet next
In a traditional network stack, data from an application is transmitted in the order that it is received. An algorithm is proposed where information about the priority of packets and expiry times is used by the transport layer to reorder or discard packets at the time of transmission to optimise the use of available bandwidth. This can be used for video conferencing to prioritise important data. This scheme is implemented and compared to unmodified datagram congestion control protocol (DCCP). This algorithm is implemented as an interface to DCCP and tested using traffic modelled on video conferencing software. The results show improvement can be made to video conferencing during periods of congestion - substantially more audio packets arrive on time with the algorithm, which leads to higher quality video conferencing. In many cases video packet arrival rate also increases and adopting the algorithm gives improvements to video conferencing that are better than using unmodified queuing for DCCP. The algorithm proposed is implemented on the server only, so benefits can be obtained on the client without changes being required to the client.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
McDonald, I., Nelson, R. (2008). Application-Level QoS: Improving video conferencing quality through sending the best packet next. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, 16-19 September 2008, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom (pp. 507-513). Washington, DC, USA: IEEE.
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