Issues facing Southland’s wetlands— recommendations for future management
This report summarises our experiences and recommendations from a weeklong series of fieldtrips and workshops focused on Southland’s wetlands.
Our major recommendations are:
• Priorities must be developed for wetland protection and restoration, according to which wetland systems have suffered the greatest losses and which are least represented in the reserves network.
• The development of educational and interpretive resources and programmes will help to raise the level of awareness of the unique values of Southland’s wetlands amongst landowners, local authorities and the public, and will provide opportunities for regional promotion and ecotourism.
• There is a need for more research to: increase levels of understanding of wetland development and function; threats from weed invasion and effective control methods; and to design and monitor effective restoration efforts. Some of this research could be achieved thorough ongoing communication with PGSF-funded research organisations and universities, eg. BSc (Hons) and MSc thesis topics.
• Protect the hydrological functioning of wetlands, by developing guidelines for drainage practices in land adjacent to wetlands, and reducing nutrient loading of surface and groundwaters flowing into wetlands.
• Incorporate principles of wetland protection into regional and district plans.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Type of thesis
Campbell, D., Clarkson, B. & Clarkson, B. (2003). Issues facing Southland’s wetlands—recommendations for future management. CBER Contract Report 26, prepared for Dapartment of Conservation and Environment Southland. Hamilton, New Zealand: Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, School of Science and Technology, The University of Waikato.