Changing demographics have a major impact on schools and societies. This report is a study of how three New Zealand primary schools are working with student populations that are becoming more diverse and increasingly multi-ethnic in nature. One major theme that emerged from interviews with 25 teachers and school leaders was the concept and importance of school culture as community. This theme is presented in this article, with data demonstrating what ‘community’ meant, at the classroom, school and wider society levels, as school leaders sought equity of achievement and the valuing of difference. From snapshots of these three schools located in the North Island of New Zealand, this study provides empirical evidence of the challenges these schools have faced as they have responded to the changing multicultural demographics, within a country that honors its bicultural heritage.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Robertson, J. & Miller, T. (2007). School leadership and equity: the case of New Zealand. School Leadership & Management: Formerly School Organisation, 27(1), 91-103.