A survey of software development practices in the New Zealand software industry
A survey of software development practices in the New Zealand software industry
We report on the software development techniques used in the New Zealand software industry, paying particular attention to requirements gathering. We surveyed a selection of software companies with a general questionnaire and then conducted in-depth interviews with four companies. Our results show a wide variety in the kinds of companies undertaking software development, employing a wide range of software development techniques. Although our data are not sufficiently detailed to draw statistically significant conclusions, it appears that larger software development groups typically have more well-defined software development processes, spend proportionally more time on requirements gathering, and follow more rigorous testing regimes.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Groves, L., Nickson, R., Reeve, G., Reeves, S. & Utting, M. (2000). A survey of software development practices in the New Zealand software industry. In 2000 Australian Software Engineering Conference: proceedings, 28-29 April 2000, Canberra, Australia.(pp. 189-201). Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society Press.
IEEE Computer Society
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