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An examination of the dynamic risk factors of men undergoing a community-based non-violence programme

The present study aimed to examine potential dynamic risk factors for intimate partner violence (IPV) in a sample of men undertaking a community-based non-violence programme. A purposive sample of 43 men currently undertaking a programme with one of two non-government providers in the central North Island of New Zealand completed a structured interview. First, bivariate associations between individual and relationship level risk factors (i.e., financial and other stress, mental wellbeing, anger arousal, jealousy-related cognitions, alcohol and drug abuse, relationship satisfaction and discord) and physical partner violence and coercive and controlling behaviours were examined. Second, a principal components analysis was used to reduce the number of risk factor scales to a smaller number of risk factor components prior to conducting further multivariate analyses. Third, sequential regression analyses were conducted to identify risk factor components that were significant unique predictors of physical and non-physical partner violence perpetration and victimisation. In addition, 60 narrative accounts of IPV events were thematically analysed for evidence of risk factors during a partner violence event. Results indicated that alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and financial stress were significantly related to physical IPV perpetration at the bivariate level. In contrast, nearly all risk factors were significantly related to the perpetration of non-physical coercive and controlling behaviours. The principal components analysis identified three risk factor components: stress/negative emotionality, relationship/individual wellbeing, and jealousy/substance abuse. Except for relationship/individual wellbeing and physical IPV perpetration, all risk factor components were significantly related to the measures of physical IPV and controlling behaviours at the bivariate level. Contrary to predictions, however, only the jealousy/substance use component was identified as a significant unique predictor of the perpetration of partner abuse, both physical IPV and controlling behaviours. Both the jealousy/substance abuse and relationship/individual wellbeing component uniquely predicted men’s victimisation by partners’ coercive and controlling behaviours. Themes identified in the thematic analysis were consistent with the quantitative findings in that several of the risk factors examined were also evident in the event descriptions. Collectively, the findings suggest risk factors of partner violence that should be targeted by New Zealand prevention and intervention efforts, including substance abuse, jealousy, financial stress, and mutual partner aggression.
Type of thesis
Stanley, R. G. (2019). An examination of the dynamic risk factors of men undergoing a community-based non-violence programme (Thesis, Master of Science (MSc)). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/12646
The University of Waikato
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