Is there a lack of science resources and specialists for kaiako at Kura reo o Waikato?
Is there a lack of science resources and specialists for kaiako at Kura reo o Waikato?
The New Zealand debates on culture and science education for Maaori are grounded in the concern for the under-achievement of tauira in science. In 1995, a lack of subject experts, specialists and resources to implement the Ministry of Education’s science curriculum was identified. I investigated the concept of a mobile science laboratory to provide subject experts, specialists and resources to Kura Reo o Tainui as a way of improving and enhancing tauira literacy and engagement in puutaiao. This study used a semi-structured survey to elicit the whakaaro and perceptions of kaiako puutaiao from four Wharekura, three Kura Kaupapa Maaori, and three Rumaki Total Immersion classes in Waikato-Tainui, using registered participants in the inaugural Kura Reo o Tainui Waananga in 2008 to select survey participants.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Type of thesis
Hopkins, A. (2010). Is there a lack of science resources and specialists for kaiako at Kura reo o Waikato? CBER Contract Report No. 114, prepared for Waikato-Tainui Raupatu Lands Trust. Hamilton, New Zealand: Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato.
Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato