Mixed pixel return separation for a full-field ranger
Full-field amplitude modulated continuous wave range imagers commonly suffer from the mixed pixel problem. This problem is caused by the integration of light from multiple sources by a single pixel, particularly around the edges of objects, resulting in erroneous range measurements. In this paper we present a method for identifying the intensity and range of multiple return values within each pixel, using the harmonic content of the heterodyne beat waveform. Systems capable of measurements at less than 90 degree phase shifts can apply these methods. Our paper builds on previous simulation based work and uses real range data. The method involves the application of the Levy-Fullagar algorithm and the use of the cyclic nature of the beat waveform to extract the mean noise power. We show that this method enables the separation of multiple range sources and also decreases overall ranging error by 30% in the single return case. Error in the two return case was found to increase substantially as relative intensity of the return decreased.
Conference Contribution
Type of thesis
Godbax, J. P., Cree, M. J. & Dorrington, A. A. (2008). Mixed pixel return separation for a full-field ranger. In Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2008, IVCNZ 2008, 26-28 November, 2008. (pp 1-6). Washington, USA: IEEE.
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