Indigenous psychology in Aotearoa positions the aspirations of Māori as central. The aim of this thesis is to describe and contribute to the development of a psychological discipline which is relevant and of benefit for Māori communities. Part One sets the scene in Aotearoa, examining the relationship between Māori development and psychology. Part Two explores the indigenous psychology literature base, identifying strategies which may be relevant to Aotearoa. The key themes of context, critical mass, and mechanisms to support indigenous psychology development are identified as being relevant to Aotearoa. Part Three explores indigenous psychology development in Aotearoa. Data from a range of sources is qualitatively analysed to develop five themes which describe the current status of Māori development in psychology, the importance of the critical mass and the notion of collective responsibility. Part Four, drawing from the analysis in Parts One, Two and Three, identifies 'reaching the point of irreversible change' as the next phase of indigenous psychology development in Aotearoa. This is the point at which indigenous psychology development becomes self-sustaining.
The point at which irreversible change occurs is when: Māori knowledge bases are a legitimate part of psychology in Aotearoa; resistance to the legitimacy of Māori knowledge bases in psychology is not a characteristic of our landscape; environments supportive of indigenous psychology development are commonplace; and responsibility for contributing to indigenous psychology development is shared among and sustained by the collective capacity of the Leaders and Producers. Consolidation, the process by which multiple and interrelated pathways are connected to form a unified whole, is fundamental to reaching the point of irreversible change. An original interactional framework for consolidation is proposed. This framework is based on two key consolidating mechanisms: a working description of Kaupapa Māori Psychologies; and a Kaupapa Māori Psychologies Research and Training Centre. Psychologies relevant and of benefit to Māori communities which contribute to the realisation of Māori aspirations are the cornerstones, with all elements of the framework leading back into this fundamental foundation.
Type of thesis
Levy, M. P. (2007). Indigenous Psychology in Aotearoa: Realising Māori Aspirations (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)). The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/3996
The University of Waikato
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