A shift from traditional pedagogy in Nepali Rural Primary Schools ? Rural teachers’ capacity to reflect ICT policy in their practice
Policy by the government of Nepal emphasises the need to develop ICT competencies and suggests the use of ICT will transform traditional models of teaching to ones that are studentcentred. This article reports a study of primary teachers’ experiences of using digital technologies in rural primary schools in Nepal, and investigates their preceptions of how the availability and use of ICT in their schools has transformed traditional teaching models. It further examines the resources they can access and the training they received. Teachers’ accounts of their experiences indicated that the integration of available digital technologies in instructional activities changed their role in the classroom to some extent, created a learner-friendly learning environment and improved aspects of their teaching. The study also found that there was often insufficient access to ICT in and outside the school premises, and that pre-service teacher education, as well as government-provided in-service training, does not cover the use of ICT in instructional activities. Rather provision of infrastructures and training in the use of digital devices is carried out by non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The article argues that for policy to be realised in practice, more sustainable and comprehensive systems need to be developed to train teachers in ICT use and to provide them with necessary facilities.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Rana, K., Greenwood, J., Fox-Turnbull, W. H., & Wise, S. (2018). A shift from traditional pedagogy in Nepali Rural Primary Schools ? Rural teachers’ capacity to reflect ICT policy in their practice. The International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, 14(3), 149–166.