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No differences in neuromuscular power and range of motion, but greater muscle soreness in young vs masters athletes following a 12km run

The purpose of the study was to assess lower-body neuromuscular power and range of motion in young and masters recreational runners before and after a 12km run. Methods: In a straight-forward parallel group trial, participants performed a number of tests pre and post a 12km run. Participants included 36 recreational runners (mean ± SD; 12km run time: 67 ± 18 mins) and were matched on running ability and divided into two groups; young (< 35 y, n=18) and masters (> 40 y, n=18). Pre and post measures included body mass, vertical jump height (m), peak jump velocity (m.s-1), sit and reach test (cm), mean 6s cycling power (W), peak cycling power (W) and perceived muscle soreness. Results: There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between groups for any of the measured variables pre to post run, except for muscle soreness (p < 0.01), where the young group experienced significantly higher levels of soreness, associated with a large effect size between groups (-1.03 ±0.6). Conclusions: There were no differences in neuromuscular power and range of motion between young and masters athletes following a 12km run. This was possibly due to the exercise not being a demanding enough stimulus to cause fatigue in the measures used. However, masters athletes perceived lower levels of muscle soreness pre to post run, possibly due to decreased pain perceptions with aging. Keywords DOMS, Aging, Running, Neuromuscular
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Driller, M. W., McQuillan, J. A., & Tavares, F. F. S. (2016). No differences in neuromuscular power and range of motion, but greater muscle soreness in young vs masters athletes following a 12km run. International Journal of Sport Science, 6(4), 133–137. http://doi.org/10.5923/j.sports.20160604.01
Scientific & Academic Publishing
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