Teaching tips comprehension strategy instruction: Teaching narrative text structure awareness
Teaching tips comprehension strategy instruction: Teaching narrative text structure awareness
Research shows that students who have a good understanding of narrative text structure have fewer problems comprehending stories. Research also suggests that many students require explicit instruction in how to comprehend this text type. While some children are able to figure out the more elaborate structure of narrative text on their own (i.e., that stories have a plot, characters, setting, and theme), there are others who are not so lucky. Teachers play an important role assisting students to develop a good understanding of narrative text structure awareness. This article briefly outlines what research has to say about comprehension strategy instruction and then describes how teachers can go about teaching a comprehension strategy, narrative text structure awareness with the aim of enhancing children's comprehension of this text type.
Journal Article
Type of thesis
Dymock, S. (2007). Teaching tips comprehension strategy instruction: Teaching narrative text structure awareness. The Reading Teacher, 61(2), 161-167.