This portfolio of original compositions is made up of six works, two electroacoustic and four acoustic. Firstly a Piano suite for solo piano, composed of four different short works, exploring different themes and modes based on eight synthetic scales. Cello and cello is a work for two cellos, exploring the sometimes-dual nature of the mind and yourself. Composed in two movements and with the intention of having a slight theatrical aspect to it. An electroacoustic work, Kaffeine is a composition based around the process of coffee making and the effects it has on people who drink it. Made purely from samples collected from a home coffee machine using a digital recorder. Piaonics is another electroacoustic piece, this one focusing on subtle aspects of the pianos timbre. Two sets of synthetic scales where made, each of the notes in the synthetic scale where sampled on a grand piano to get the best quality samples. Pleonasm is an exploratory work for Viola, clarinet and cello. The work has aleotoric aspects to it, wherein parts don’t always start or finish together and sometimes have different tempo markings. The final work in the portfolio is the classical symphony in E minor, written as an exercise to competently write in the style of a traditional classical symphony. The work is in four movements, fast, slow, fast, fast and takes inspiration from Haydn, Prokofiev and Mahler.
Type of thesis
McKinnon, P. J. (2011). Composition Portfolio (Thesis, Master of Music (MMus)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/5697
University of Waikato
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