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Optimising child accident research outcomes: An action research project on maximising the dissemination and implementation of the Summer Research Scholarship Project reports and recommendations of the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of New Zealand

A key objective of the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of New Zealand (hereafter referred to as "CAPFNZ" or "the Foundation") is to reduce the incidence and severity of child accidents. The reports and recommendations that arise from the Foundation's Summer Research Scholarship (SRS) projects have the potential to be a major means to achieving this end. The purpose of this research was to investigate the extent to which the SRS projects were achieving that objective, by assessing the degree to which CAPFNZ SRS reports and especially their recommendations are currently in the public domain. The research also identified the current barriers or obstacles to dissemination, and determined cost-effective ways in which dissemination and implementation of these reports and their findings could be enhanced. Our proposal foreshadowed the prospect of this project yielding a demonstration website as one approach to achieving a more effective distribution of CAPFNZ SRS reports and related material.
Commissioned Report for External Body
Type of thesis
Smith, N.K., Cowley, N., Horgan, B. & Swain, D. (2004). Optimising child accident research outcomes: An action research project on maximising the dissemination and implementation of the Summer Research Scholarship Project reports and recommendations of the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of New Zealand. 2003-2004 Summer Research Scholarship report for the Child Accident Prevention Foundation New Zealand (CAPFNZ). Hamilton, New Zealand: Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Waikato; Department of Screen and Media, University of Waikato.
Department of Societies and Cultures, University of Waikato