Good practice in international placements: Ideas for students and tertiary staff
Good practice in international placements: Ideas for students and tertiary staff
This publication considers seven key aspects that drive good practice in international field education.
Its intention is to help guide educators and students who are considering or developing international placements.
The experiences described in this booklet were with social work programmes; however, it is expected that the information can be applied to courses across a spectrum of disciplines.
This booklet considers seven key aspects that drive good practice in international field education.
The template for good practice is adapted from Martin, Rees and Edwards (2011) with the additional elements of skill development and placement debriefing, as these are essential aspects for good practice in international placements (and arguably, all placements) (Hay, Keen, Thomson & Emerman, 2011; Hay & Lowe, 2016 under review).
The inclusion of student perspectives adds a personal and experience-informed voice to each of the elements.
Type of thesis
Lowe, S., & Hay, K. (2016). Good practice in international placements: Ideas for students and tertiary staff (Report). Wellington, New Zealand: Ako Aotearoa - The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence.
Ako Aotearoa - The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence
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