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Case study: An in-depth exploration of male survivors of female-perpetrated domestic violence

Male survivors of female-perpetrated violence are often overlooked within the academic, social, and judicial systems. The current thesis highlights this gap in research as well as provides readers with a deeper understanding of the difficulties faced by male survivors. Using a case-study based approach, and narrative inquiry a single participant was interviewed over multiple meetings. This allowed the researcher to get a more in-depth and complete picture of his experiences. His story was then told and analysed using the existing literature as a means of comparison and contrast. Unfortunately, it appears as though victims often feel re-victimized by the legal system and service providers to whom they turn for assistance. This was the case with the participant and was corroborated by participants in existing studies. The research revealed that extensive physical, social and mental supports are available for female victims of violence; in contrast, there is very little available to men. Despite growing recognition of male victimisation, it is still a difficult subject to discuss. The legitimacy and validity of men as victims of domestic violence are still feverishly debated amongst academics and mainstream media. The hope is, that with further research and attention, the same forms of assistance that are available to women will be created and offered to men. It is imperative that such supports are designed specifically for men, rather than simply adjusting those services already available to women. Gender differences in the perpetration of violence and the experiences with service providers must be taken into consideration. Throughout the interview and research processes, it was evident that the participant was searching for validation of his experiences and required services that support the gender specific needs of men.
Type of thesis
The University of Waikato
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