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The Effects of Altering Maintenance Diet on Food Preferences of Hens

The preferences of six hens for wheat, puffed wheat and pellets were investigated using Variable Interval 60-s Variable Interval 60-s dependent concurrent schedules of reinforcement with a 2-s change-over delay and 2.5-s access to wheat on the left key or either puffed wheat or pellets on the right key. In different conditions, the hens were fed at least 15-g of each of these foods when used as their maintenance diet. The number of responses, time spent responding, and amount of food consumed were examined. Body weights were maintained at 80% ± 5% of the hens’ free-feeding body weights. The results showed that when wheat was paired with pellets, there were few changes in the hens’ preferences when the maintenance diet was altered, but when wheat was paired with puffed wheat, there were large changes in the hens’ preferences when the maintenance diet was altered, especially when wheat was used as the maintenance diet. Preferences in this study may have been affected by the quantity of maintenance diet food provided after experimental sessions, hens being outside their target weight range and unable to complete all experimental conditions, differing levels of deprivation and satiation, and the order of experimental conditions.
Type of thesis
Schroeder, L. C. (2013). The Effects of Altering Maintenance Diet on Food Preferences of Hens (Thesis, Master of Applied Psychology (MAppPsy)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/7930
University of Waikato
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