Yang, JingjingRyan, ChrisLingyun, Zhang2013-02-242013-02-242013-02-062013Yang, J., Ryan, C., & Lingyuan, Z. (2013). The “Culture Broker” as Performer: Tuva and Kazakhs “Home Visits” in Kanas, China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-24.1094-1665https://hdl.handle.net/10289/7246The term and role of a "culture broker" is examined based on the definition provided by Smith and ethnographic research of 12 months of living among the Tuva and Kazakh residents in Kanas, Xinjiang, China. Here it is suggested that Kazakhs operate as a culture broker by impersonating Tuva in Home Visits. A series of symbiotic relationships are found where stakeholders condone such impersonation to achieve different ends - these stakeholders and goals being identified in the paper. Amendments are consequently proposed to Smith's original model.enChinaculture brokerethnic communitytourismThe “culture broker” as performer: Tuva and Kazakhs “home visits” in Kanas, ChinaJournal Article10.1080/10941665.2013.764912