Scott, Alister J.Carter, ClaudiaBrown, KatrinaWhite, Vicki2010-02-242010-02-242009Scott, A., Carter, C., Brown, K. & White, V. (2009). 'Seeing is Not Everything': Exploring the Landscape Experiences of Different Publics. Landscape Research, 34(4), 397-424. paper develops a multi-sensory and multiple-perspective framework for assessing public perception of landscapes. Proceeding from a viewpoint that landscape research and policy have been pre-occupied with expert-led and visual approaches, our method elevates the experiences and range of responses of different publics to centre stage. Set within phenomenological and experiential epistemologies, our piloted technique captured the real time responses of walkers, mountain bikers, planners, councillors and land managers on pre-planned trips in Aberdeenshire. Subsequent analysis of audio recordings and field notes elicited detailed data revealing a complex appreciation of landscape set within dynamic and multiple socio-economic identities and sensory experiences of individuals. The paper concludes with a plea for policy-makers and researchers to recognise the importance of different publics who may experience and respond to landscape in different ways and the significance of incorporating both visual and non-visual components into emergent landscape assessment and policy approaches.enlandscape planningdifferent publicsmulti-sensorylandscape perceptionsexperiential research'Seeing is Not Everything': Exploring the landscape experiences of different publicsJournal Article10.1080/01426390903009289