Stokes, Evelyn2012-05-142012-05-142000Stokes, E. (2000). The legacy of Ngatoroirangi: Maori customary use of geothermal resources. Hamilton, New Zealand: Department of Geography, University of Waikato. activity has always been regarded as a significant traditional resource among Maori communities of the Bay of Plenty, Rotorua and Taupo districts. The principal settlements of the tribes of Te Arawa, Ngati Tahu and Ngati Tuwharetoa were associated with geothermal areas. Outside the Taupo Volcanic Zone there were numerous other hot springs which were also highly valued by Maori. Areas of surface geothermal activity all have some traditions, cultural and historical associations for local tribes. Geothermal resources were used in various ways.application/pdfen© Copyright 2000, The Authorgeothermal resourcesMaoriTaupo Volcanic ZoneThe legacy of Ngatoroirangi: Maori customary use of geothermal resourcesAuthored Book