McGee, Clive2012-04-292012-04-292001McGee, C. (2001). Inside the classroom door: Perspective on curriculum, teaching and learning. Waikato Journal of Education, 7, 3-21.1173-6135 paper is in two parts. First, I will survey some of the major international curriculum scholarship and influences upon New Zealand school curriculum. Second, having provided this broad survey, I will move closer to the classroom to consider contemporary developments in research on learning and teaching, which needs to be considered alongside recent curriculum scholarship, and zuhich may open the way for future research activity. Within the constraints of this paper I can touch on just a little of this vast field.application/pdfen© 2001 Waikato Journal of Education. It is posted here by permission for personal use.curricula (courses of study)teachinglearning abilitylearning & scholarshipInside the classroom door: Perspective on curriculum, teaching and learning.Journal Article