Legeard, BrunoPeureux, FabienUtting, Mark2008-11-202008-11-202002Legeard, B. Peureux, F. & Utting, M.(2002). A Comparison of the BTT and TTF Test-Generation Methods. In D. Bert et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference of B and Z Users Grenoble, France, January 23–25, 2002 (pp. 115-122). Berlin: Springer.978-3-540-43166-4https://hdl.handle.net/10289/1409This paper compares two methods of generating tests from formal specifications. The Test Template Framework (TTF) method is a framework and set of heuristics for manually generating test sets from a Z specification. The B Testing Tools (BTT) method uses constraint logic programming techniques to generate test sequences from a B specification. We give a concise description of each method, then compare them on an industrial case study, which is a subset of the GSM 11.11 smart card specification.encomputer scienceTest Template FrameworkA Comparison of the BTT and TTF Test-Generation MethodsConference Contribution