Goldman, Charles R.Kumagai, MichioRobarts, Richard D.Hamilton, David P.McBride, Chris G.Ă–zkundakci, DenizSchallenberg, MarcVerburg, Pietde Winton, MaryKelly, DavidHendy, Chris H.Ye, Wei2013-05-222013-05-222013Goldman, C. R., Kumagai, M., Robarts, R. D., Hamilton, D. P., McBride, C., ..., Ye, W. (2013). Effects of climate change on New Zealand Lakes. In C. R. Goldman, M. Kumagai & R. D. Robarts(Eds.), Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies, First Edition (pp. 337-366). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.97811199686659781118470596 chapter contains sections titled: -Introduction -Geographical and climate perspective -Historical climate -Future climate -Overview of lake types and formation processes -Climate change and impacts on endemic and exotic flora and fauna -Climate change impacts on fish -Climate change impacts on aquatic plants and macroinvertebrates -Effects of climate change on shallow NZ lakes -Effects of climate change on high-altitude NZ lakes -Case study: Lake Taupo -Case study: Lake Pupuke -Case study: surface temperature in monomictic and polymictic Rotorua lakes -Case study: bottom-water dissolved oxygen in Lake Rotoiti -Case study: modeling effects of land use and climate change for Lake Rotorua -Management challenges and mitigation measures -Conclusions -Referencesclimate on New Zealand's lakesNZ isolated nature, freshwater flora/faunaIPO and ENSO cycle;ENSO events on lakes, of westerly windspolymictic, deep lakes monomicticNew Zealand's isolation/maritimechance migrations, lowinvasive species on lake ecosystemsNZ lakes, synergistic/acting in tandemEffects of climate change on New Zealand LakesChapter in Book10.1002/9781118470596.ch19