Lowe, David J.2013-02-282013-02-282012Lowe, D. (2012). Measuring radiation in the environment following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan. New Zealand Soil News, 60(4), 141-143.0545-7904https://hdl.handle.net/10289/7281A group of scientists and technical staff from Toshiba Company, including Dr Hirokazu Kanai, undertook field trials at the station using a newly-developed, portable, two-dimensional gamma-ray visualization system known as a “Gamma Camera”.application/pdfenThis article has been published in the journal: New Zealand Soil News. Used with permission.Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disasterradiationgamma cameraToshiba CompanyMeasuring radiation in the environment following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, JapanJournal Article