Cary, S. CraigHicks, Brendan J.Coyne, Kathryn J.Rueckert, AndreasGemmill, Chrissen E.C.Barnett, Catherine Margaret Eleanor2013-02-182013-02-182007-10Cary, S.C., Hicks, B.J., Coyne, K.J., Rueckert, A., Gemmill, C.E.C.& Barnett, C.M.E. (2007).A sensitive genetic-based detection capability for Didymosphenia geminate (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: Phases two and three. CBER Contract Report No. 62, prepared for MAF Biosecurity New Zealand. Hamilton, New Zealand: Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research, The University of Waikato. study sought to develop a sensitive DNA-based protocol capable of detecting D. germinate in environmental samples with extreme sensitivity. This report is a direct extension from our previous interim report and addresses the subsequent progress in the development and validation of two DNA detection methods for D. germinata.application/pdfenDNA-based protocolDidymosphenia geminatawater qualityA sensitive genetic-based detection capability for Didymosphenia geminate (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt: Phases two and threeCommissioned Report for External Body