Smallman, CliveMcDonald, GaelMueller, Jens2010-07-292010-07-292010Smallman, C., McDonald, G. & Mueller, J. (2010). Prologue: Governing the corporation: Structure, process and behaviour. Journal of Management & Organization, 16(2), 194-198. those of us affected by the global recession that started in late 2007 (and it is hard to think of anyone in the world who is not touched by this massive downturn), it is sobering to realise that much of what has been wrought upon us is the result of decisions made behind closed doors by corporate directors, regulators and politicians. Boardroom, regulatory and political behaviours are all grounded in the desires, emotions and knowledge of the human beings who aspire to be business leaders, regulatory watchdogs and politicians.enmanagementPrologue: Governing the corporation: Structure, process and behaviourJournal Article