Bedford, RichardHugo, Graeme2008-08-222008-08-222008-07Bedford, R. & Hugo, G. (2008). International migration in a sea of islands: Challenges and opportunities for insular Pacific spaces. (Population Studies Centre Discussion Paper No.69). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Population Studies Centre.1-877149-75-6 contribution to the International Conference “Connecting Worlds: Emigration, Immigration and Development in Insular Spaces”, held in the Azores between 28 and 30 May 2008, examines contemporary mobility of Pacific peoples in a transnational context with reference to processes of out-migration, return, re-migration and the complex systems of circular mobility between island countries as well as to and from countries on the Pacific rim. There are some significant differences between parts of the Pacific region in terms of the access their peoples have to work and residence opportunities outside their island countries. These are reviewed with reference to some major challenges for development in the region: rapid growth of youthful populations; high levels of unemployment; limited markets for local produce; unsustainable levels of extraction of timber, fish and mineral resources; changing climates; and unstable governance systems in some countries.application/pdfenPacific Islandspopulation movementtransnational communitiesdevelopmentreturn migrationInternational migration in a sea of islands: Challenges and opportunities for insular Pacific spacesWorking Paper