Crombie, WinifredBruce, IanJohnson, Diane2009-10-012009-10-012005Crombie, W., Bruce, I., Johnson, D. (2005). Developing a draft learning progression framework for ESOL in New Zealand schools. In S. May, M. Franken & R. Barnard (Eds.). LED 2003: 1st International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, Refereed Conference Proceedings and Keynotes, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, 26-29 November 2003 [CD-ROM]. Hamilton, New Zealand: Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, The University of Waikato.0958250405 in 2003 we were commissioned to produce a draft Learning Progression Framework (LPF) for ESOL in the New Zealand curriculum. The draft Framework was completed in June 2003 and entered the consultation round. In producing the draft Framework, we had to address a range of issues. Some these related to user expectations. Others concerned the relationship between the draft Framework and documents such as English in the New Zealand Curriculum, existing curriculum documents relating to other languages, and ESOL frameworks available in other countries. These issues proved to be critical. This paper explores some of these issues and introduces the draft Framework.application/pdfenESOLlanguage educationNew Zealand curriculumESOL curriculummainstream ESOLDeveloping a draft learning progression framework for ESOL in New Zealand schoolsConference Contribution