Morrison, Sandra L.Vaioleti, Timote Masima2011-04-192011-04-192011Morrison, S.L. & Vaioleti, T.M. (2011). Inclusion of indigenous peoples in CONFINTEA VI and follow-up processes. International, Social Science and Law, published online 25 March 2011. paper discusses key issues raised by indigenous peoples during CONFINTEA VI and proposes strategies to enable them to participate in ongoing processes. Indigenous peoples are not involved in the design, implementation and monitoring of adult education programmes, and this often results in a “one-size-fits-all” model. This article takes the position that indigenous people must have full and effective participation in all matters which concern them and that well-meaning policy statements are only as effective as the display of real effort to make them work. One example of an indigenous community taking initiative in order to free itself of overwhelming deficit positioning by mainstream educational and other systems is the Māori community of Aotearoa/New Zealand. The paper argues that through CONFINTEA VI, there is still space for the voice of indigenous peoples to be heard.enindigenous people and CONFINTEA VICONFINTEA and indigenous peoplesindigenous adult educationadult education and indigenous peoplecultural citizenshipintercultural educationInclusion of indigenous peoples in CONFINTEA VI and follow-up processesJournal Article10.1007/s11159-011-9190-3