Healy, Terry R.2015-02-042015-02-041968Healy, T.R. (1968). Bioerosion on shore platforms developed in the Waitemata Formation, Auckland. Earth Science Journal, 2(1), 26-37.https://hdl.handle.net/10289/9123Bioerosion - the removal of lithic substrate by the erosive activities of living organisms- has not previously been discussed for New Zealand shore platforms. This paper aims at drawing attention to bioerosion as a process active in shore platform development. Detailed reference is made to bioerosion occurring on the alternating sandstones and siltstones of the Waitemata Formation found outcropping on the coastline around Auckland. In this area several facets of shore platform morphology may be attributed to the direct effects of boring and browsing marine organisms. A classification of animals causing bioerosion, based on mechanism of erosion, is presented, and the geomorphic significance of the various groups discussed.application/pdf© 1968 Waikato Geological Society, The University of Waikato. All items in Research Commons are provided only to permit fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study. They are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.AucklandbioerosionBioerosion on shore platforms developed in the Waitemata Formation, AucklandJournal Article