Hamid, P.N.Vercoe, Glynis Price2016-04-072016-04-071971Vercoe, G. P. (1971). Cooperation in Maori and European children (Thesis, Bachelor of Philosophy). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10289/10065https://hdl.handle.net/10289/10065The object of this study is to compare the cooperative behaviour of Maori and European children and to investigate and compare the effects, upon the performance of the two ethnic groups, of working under cooperative conditions and under competitive conditions. Certain differences are expected to exist between the two ethnic groups as a result of the different child rearing practices employed by the Maoris and by the Europeans.application/pdfenAll items in Research Commons are provided for private study and research purposes and are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.Maori childrenEuropean childrencooperative behaviourCooperation in Maori and European childrenThesis2016-04-07