Curtis, BruceWilson, Cate2010-08-242010-08-242001Curtis, B. & Wilson, C. (2001). Everyday gambling in New Zealand. In C. Bell (Eds.), Sociology of Everyday Life in New Zealand (pp. 210-233). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Dunmore Press Limited.0 86469 387 7 is a sizeable body of statistics on gambling in New Zealand which points albeit unintentionally - to the everyday status of this activity. Max Abbott and Rachel Volberg, two leading figures in the rapidly growing discipline of gambling studies, note that in 15 short years there have been no less than seven surveys on gambling in New Zealand (not including a large number of university theses). These include three assessments of people's participation in gambling by the Department of Internal Affairs, plus two surveys funded by the department focusing on problem gambling. To these can be added one conducted by a regional health authority, North Health, under contract to the Committee on Problem Gambling Management and one conducted on behalf of the Casino Control Authority. This much research on gambling should suggest to the reader that there is something about gambling that piques the interest of government bureaucrats and agencies. Here the frequency of the phrase `problem gambling' is the giveaway. In this section we will review some of the findings of this research and cover its more pathological rationale later.application/pdfenThis chapter has been published in the book: Sociology of Everyday Life in New Zealand. © 2001 Claudia Bell & Dunmore Press Limited. Used with permission.gamblingNew ZealandEveryday gambling in New ZealandChapter in Book