Nelson, Campbell S.Lowe, David J.Grant-Mackie, JackHudson, Neville2020-03-292020-03-202020-03-292020Nelson, C. S., Lowe, D. J., Grant-Mackie, J., & Hudson, N. (2020). From pharmacist to internationally-recognised belemnite researcher: Arthur Brian Challinor BSc, DSc (Waikato) (7 December 1930-18 January 2020) [Obituary]. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Newsletter, 30, 52–57. night school study at Seddon Memorial Technical College in Auckland, Brian Challinor qualified in 1953 as a trained pharmacist. For much of his working life he owned and operated a pharmacy business (Challinor Pharmacy) in Main Street, Huntly, where he loyally served the local community for ~30 years until his retirement in 1990 at age 60. However, alongside his pharmacy occupation, Brian was a man of many interests and talents. These included having an active sporting association with harrier running, becoming a qualified gliding pilot and an avid photographer, having a long-term interest in both geology and astronomy (including building two telescopes in his 20s), and becoming a dedicated Waikato west coast twitcher (bird watcher and counter). He was an avid reader of books and articles that supported all these hobby interests, and was an active member of the Waikato branches of the NZ Geological (now Geoscience) Society, the Hamilton Astronomical Society, and the NZ Ornithological Society.application/pdfenThis article is published in the Geoscience Society of New Zealand Newsletter. Used with permission.ObituariesFrom pharmacist to internationally-recognised belemnite researcher: Arthur Brian Challinor BSc, DSc (Waikato) (7 December 1930-18 January 2020) [Obituary]Journal Article