Ryan, Tom2009-09-172009-09-172001Ryan, T. (2001). Blue-lip'd cannibal ladies: The allure of the exotic in the illicit Resolution Journal of Gunner John Marra. In A. Smith (Eds.), Bright Paradise: Exotic History and Sublime Artifice. (pp. 89-95). Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki.https://hdl.handle.net/10289/3203Discusses the history and content of the “Journal of the Resolution’s Voyage”, an unauthorized and illicitly published account of Cook’s second voyage of exploration in the Antipodes, by Gunner John Marra of the Resolution’s crew.application/pdfenThis article has been published in the book Bright Paradise: Exotic History and Sublime Artifice. ©2001 Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki. Used with permission.John MarrajournalMarra’s JournalResolutionCaptain James CookPacific voyagersethnographyBlue-lip'd cannibal ladies: The allure of the exotic in the illicit Resolution Journal of Gunner John MarraChapter in Book