Chang, Chung-yiMcGregor, Anthony JamesHolmes, Geoffrey2008-10-172008-10-171999-06Chung-yi, C., Tony, M. & Holmes,G. (1999). The LRU*WWW proxy cache document replacement algorithm. (Working paper 99/09). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Department of Computer Science.1170-487X good performance from WWW proxy caches is critically dependent on the document replacement policy used by the proxy. This paper validates the work of other authors by reproducing their studies of proxy cache document replacement algorithms. From this basis a cross-trace study is mounted. This demonstrates that the performance of most document replacement algorithms is dependent on the type of workload that they are presented with. Finally we propose a new algorithm, LRU*, that consistently performs well across all our traces.application/pdfenWWWcachingdocument replacement algorithmMachine learningThe LRU*WWW proxy cache document replacement algorithmWorking Paper