Hamilton, David P.Dada, Ayokunle ChristopherMcBride, Chris G.2024-08-012024-08-0120172350-3432https://hdl.handle.net/10289/16713As a component of work to contribute towards the management of water quality of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere, the University of Waikato was subcontracted by University of Otago to apply a coupled hydrodynamic-water quality model to the lake. The primary funder for this work was Environment Canterbury (ECAN), Whakaora Te Waihora and the Central Government Freshwater Cleanup Fund. The main modelling tool used in the study to simulate the dynamics of Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere was the one‐dimensional (1‐D) hydrodynamic-water quality model DYRESM-CAEDYM. The model was used to reproduce observed water column data for a mid-lake station over the period 2011 to 2015. Once a satisfactory level of reproduction of these data had been achieved, an assessment was carried out with the model to examine the impact of various management scenarios on lake water quality. These scenarios involved: (i) projected changes to external nutrient loads to the lake that could be associated with future land management in the catchment and (ii) different lake water level management regimes based around opening of the barrier separating the lake from the ocean. The scenarios are intended here to be a catalyst for further hui and consultations that may adapt and refine additional scenarios, some of which may involve testing of multiple management options. The quantitative output from the model provides a component of the input required to inform strategies for lake management, alongside historical and expert knowledge, as well as analysis of measured data.enWater Quality Modelling of Te Waihora/Lake EllesmereReport