Johnson, DianeWong, Lap TuenDubey-Jhaveri, Aditi2019-10-2920152019-10-292015Johnson, D. (2015). English language teaching in New Zealand: Against all odds? In L. T. Wong & A. Dubey-Jhaveri (Eds.), English Language Education in a Global World: Practices, Issues and Challenges (pp. 273–284). New York, United States: Nova Publishers.978-1-63483-497-1 language teaching (ELT) is a multi-billion dollar sector of the New Zealand education system. This system, in spite of a high level of international respect, has been ambivalent to the teaching and learning of additional languages. EL T is viewed by many who are not centrally involved in the sector as an educational revenue stream, a perspective which, nationally, has important implications for the provision of quality programmes for international students. Add to this mix, the lack of a national languages policy, a rapidly changing ethnic profile and the delicate politics surrounding the revitalisation of a fragile indigenous language and the situation becomes one which is extremely complex to navigate. However, in spite of a number of potential barriers, the ELT sector is thriving but there are clearly a number of issues and challenges which will need to be fully addressed if the sector is to continue to flourish and grow in the future.30application/pdfenThis is an author’s accepted version of an article published in the book: English Language Education in a Global World: Practices, Issues and Challenges. Copyright © 2015 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Used with permission.ELTlanguage policy and planninginternational education sectorNZ language educationEnglish language teaching in New Zealand: Against all odds?Chapter in Book