Apperley, MarkSathe, Saurabh G2011-03-062011-03-062010Sathe, S. G. (2010). Supporting meetings in Virtual Worlds with enhanced Communication features (Thesis, Master of Engineering (ME)). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Retrieved from the rapid growth in the use of computer for addressing our day to day needs and the increased use of technology in our daily life, we cannot imagine a day without the use of the internet for our routine needs. Today, without any doubt in our mind we can say that technology has taken over human lives completely. A new era of computing has evolved where computers and the internet have a huge impact on everyone‟s life. A lot of research has been done and is in process for generated tools and devices which will bring the world even closer. It started with telephone in the last century and since then till today there have been huge number of tools and devices that try to give the users who are geographically far away a sense of co-presence. The latest technology making rounds is the Virtual World technology. The popularity and impact of online virtual worlds is worth making a note of. It needs to be seen now, how does it really betters people lives. One such persistent virtual world is Second Life. The number of users and organizations associated with this world is impressive. It provides users with the right amount of collaborative content with a set of communication features. Second Life provides its users with unique meeting support which gives them a sense of co-presence achieved nowhere else. This thesis focuses upon the kind of meeting support, collaborative content and the communication features provided by the virtual world that will allow its users to avoid the need for travel and long distance meetings can be achieved successfully in such an environment. This will help the travel time to be converted to productive office time as well as the costs involved in such meetings can also be reduced drastically. Such kind of meetings will also prove eco-friendly as they will save on fuel consumption and benefit from reduced pollution.application/pdfenAll items in Research Commons are provided for private study and research purposes and are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.Second Lifevirtual workMMORPGSupporting meetings in Virtual Worlds with enhanced Communication featuresThesis2010-09-27