Hicks, Brendan J.Sjardin, CTempero, Grant WaynePowrie, Warrick2024-07-192024-07-192016Hicks, B., Sjardin, C., Tempero, G. W., & Powrie, W. S. (2016). Fish removal from New Zealand Steel Ltd’s water intake pond at North Head sand mine (ERI Report No. 79). Environmental Research Institute, The University of Waikato.2350-3432https://hdl.handle.net/10289/16683Tonkin & Taylor contracted the University of Waikato remove fish by boat electrofishing, and to estimate fish abundance, in the water intake pond of Waikato North Head Mining Ltd’s sand mining site at North Head Mine, Ghezzie Road, Otaua, on the true right bank of the lower Waikato River. This removal was necessitated by failure of a screen intended to exclude fish and its repair.Fish removal from New Zealand Steel Ltd’s water intake pond at North Head sand mineReport