Waitoki, WaikaremoanaRowe, Luke2016-07-1820162016-07-182016Waitoki, W., & Rowe, L. (2016). He Paiaka Totara: Māori Psychologists Wānanga, report to Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (Report), Māori psychologist’s wānanga held at Te Tikanga marae, Manawatū, 1- 3rd July, 2016: Report to Ngā Pae o te Maramatanga.https://hdl.handle.net/10289/10543Sustainability for the growing number of Māori psychologists depends on a resilient system that reflects the centrality of Māori knowledge, tikanga, kawa and moemoea. Paiaka refers to whakapapa, identity, roots and connectedness. As Māori psychologists how we might use this term with Māori whānau and each other differs according to our own unique skills and abilities - our pūmanawa. (He Paiaka wānanga, August, 29, 2015).application/pdfen© 2016 copyright with the authors.He Paiaka Totara: Māori Psychologists Wānanga, report to Ngā Pae o te MāramatangaReport